Marc Nelson: A Brush with Advocacy

Marc Nelson

Marc Nelson: A Brush with Advocacy

Marc Nelson’s Artistic Journey

In the quiet corner of Glen Ellyn Illinois, where vast fields stretch as far as the eye can see, an artist and educator by the name of Marc Nelson emerged from the heartland with a palette of colors that transcends geographic boundaries. From his base in Kewanee Illinois to the international art scene is not only a testament to his talent but also a reflection of his commitment to social change and advocacy.

Marc Nelson

Early Life

Born in 1980, Nelson’s early life was marked by the tranquil landscapes of the Midwest. Growing up in a community that often overlooked the arts, he found solace and inspiration in the undulating fields and endless skies that surrounded him. It was here that Nelson’s artistic journey began, his first strokes of paint echoing the rhythm of the rural life he knew so well.

Nelson’s paintings and drawings are a profound exploration of the intersection between nature and human experience. His brush captures the subtle nuances of the changing seasons, reflecting the cyclical nature of life in the heartland. Each stroke, each color, seems to convey a dialogue between the artist and the environment that shaped him.

Marc Nelson

Committing to Authenticity with Materials

Marc Nelson’s artistic prowess extends beyond the mastery of brushstrokes; it is deeply intertwined with his innovative and deliberate use of materials. Known for his commitment to authenticity, Nelson carefully selects materials that echo the essence of the landscapes he depicts.

His choice of canvas, often sourced locally from the Midwest, becomes a canvas itself for the stories embedded in the fabric of rural life. The texture of the canvas becomes an integral part of his compositions, adding depth and tactile richness to his paintings. In addition to traditional oil paints, Nelson incorporates natural pigments derived from the earth, a nod to the agricultural roots of his surroundings.

This intentional use of materials not only enhances the visual impact of his work but also creates a tangible connection between the audience and the landscapes he portrays. Nelson’s innovative approach to materials not only demonstrates his technical skill but also reinforces his commitment to authenticity, ensuring that each piece is a true reflection of the environments that inspire his art.

*All Paintings Below By Marc Nelson Online – See More Here

Marc Nelson

The World Stage

The international art first took notice when Nelson appeared in a Berlin based publication about art, culture, and plant based lifestyle, called “Vegan Good Life”, which published art about Sophie Scholl a member of the White Rose non-violent resistance group in Nazi Germany.

The significance of Nelson’s work extends beyond the canvas. His pieces have found their way into international publications and documentaries, becoming ambassadors of the American Midwest to the global art community. Through his art, Nelson dismantles stereotypes and showcases the rich cultural tapestry that exists even in the seemingly ordinary.

One cannot help but be captivated by the sincerity with which Nelson portrays his subjects. His commitment to authenticity, coupled with a keen eye for detail, creates a body of work that resonates with a universal audience. In an era where globalization often leads to the homogenization of culture, Nelson’s art serves as a reminder of the unique stories that exist within every painting.

Marc Nelson

Art Teacher and Educator

As an art teacher, Nelson goes beyond his canvases to inspire the next generation of creators. His classroom is a space where young minds are encouraged to explore their own narratives, to find the beauty in the ordinary, and to appreciate the power of art as a catalyst for change. In a world where educational systems often prioritize STEM subjects, Nelson’s dedication to nurturing creativity is a beacon of hope for those who believe in the transformative potential of the arts.

However, Nelson’s impact doesn’t end with his artistic endeavours or his role as an educator. He has emerged as a passionate advocate and activist, using his platform to address social issues that resonate with the themes in his art. Through his activism, Nelson proves that art is not divorced from the world; rather, it is a mirror reflecting society’s triumphs and tribulations.

Marc Nelson - Syria


While Marc Nelson’s artistic focus has primarily centered on the landscapes of the American Midwest, his empathetic and socially conscious approach extends beyond borders. In a poignant exploration of global issues, Nelson has lent his artistic voice to the humanitarian crisis in Syria, using his talent to shed light on the profound challenges faced by the people of this war-torn nation.

Nelson’s foray into addressing the Syrian crisis emerged when he encountered the harrowing stories and images of displacement, destruction, and resilience that emanated from the region. Straying from his usual pastoral scenes, he embarked on a series of paintings and drawings that vividly captured the human cost of conflict in Syria. The emotional depth and intensity of his work reflect a commitment to amplifying the voices of those who often go unheard.

Nelson’s art has become a vehicle for storytelling, bringing to life the experiences of Syrian refugees. His use of color and composition transcends geographical boundaries, creating a visual language that communicates the universal themes of loss, hope, and resilience. By incorporating elements of Syrian culture and symbolism into his art, Nelson strives to foster a connection between viewers and the human stories behind the headlines.

Marc Nelson - Syria

Nelson’s advocacy for Syria extends beyond the canvas. He has actively participated in fundraising initiatives, using his art as a catalyst for generating support and awareness. Exhibitions featuring his Syrian-inspired works have not only provided a platform for dialogue but have also raised funds for organizations working on the ground to provide aid and assistance to those affected by the crisis.

In this way, Nelson’s engagement with Syria showcases the transformative power of art as a tool for empathy and understanding. By leveraging his artistic talent and platform, he transcends geographic and cultural boundaries to amplify the voices of the marginalized and draw attention to the urgent humanitarian needs in Syria. Nelson’s art becomes a bridge, connecting disparate worlds and inspiring collective action in the face of human suffering.

Reflecting on Nelson’s artistic journey and his conscientious engagement with the Syrian crisis, we witness the profound impact that art can have on shaping perspectives and fostering empathy. In addressing global issues through his art, Nelson exemplifies the idea that artists have a unique responsibility to use their talents not only for aesthetic expression but also as a force for positive change on a global scale.

Marc Nelson - Ukraine


With artistic roots adeeply embedded in the landscapes of the American Midwest, Nelson’s artistic conscience extends globally, and this is evident in his engagement with the complex socio-political landscape of Ukraine. Inspired by a deep sense of empathy and a desire to amplify the human stories emerging from the region, Nelson has used his art to explore and bring attention to the challenges faced by the people of Ukraine.

Nelson’s connection to Ukraine was sparked by the turbulent events that unfolded in the country, particularly during the Maidan protests and the ongoing conflict in Eastern Ukraine. Motivated by a sense of responsibility to use his art as a medium for raising awareness, he embarked on a series of paintings and drawings that capture the resilience, struggles, and hope of the Ukrainian people amid adversity.

In these works, Nelson’s distinctive style, characterized by its rich palette and evocative brushstrokes, serves to convey the emotional complexity of the Ukrainian experience. His compositions often incorporate symbolic elements, drawing from Ukrainian cultural motifs and historical references. This intentional use of symbolism adds layers of meaning to his art, creating a visual language that resonates with viewers on a profound level.

Nelson’s commitment to shedding light on the Ukrainian narrative goes beyond the canvas. He actively participates in initiatives that seek to provide support and aid to those affected by the conflict. His art has been featured in exhibitions dedicated to raising awareness about the situation in Ukraine, fostering dialogue, and mobilizing resources for humanitarian efforts.

Marc Nelson - Ukraine

Furthermore, Nelson’s engagement with Ukraine demonstrates the power of art to transcend geographical and cultural boundaries. By bringing the stories of Ukraine to an international audience, he contributes to a broader conversation about the universal themes of resilience, perseverance, and the human spirit’s capacity to endure even in the face of adversity.

Art is not a Luxury but a Necessity

As we reflect on the journey of Marc Nelson, we are reminded that art is not a luxury but a necessity. It is a tool for understanding, a catalyst for change, and a bridge that connects disparate worlds. Nelson’s story teaches us that the impact of art goes beyond aesthetics; it is a force that can shape perceptions, challenge norms, and inspire movements.

In a world that often grapples with conflicts and crises, Nelson’s art becomes a bridge, connecting disparate realities and fostering a sense of shared humanity. His dedication to using his artistic platform to address global issues reaffirms the idea that art, at its core, is a powerful medium for empathy, understanding, and advocacy. Through his work, Marc Nelson reminds us that artists have the ability to be not just observers but active participants in the collective narrative of our shared human experience.

*Visit Marc Nelson Online Here
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