Welcome to our network. We create and produce written, visual and audio content, clothing and art for the physical and digital worlds. We entertain, educate and advocate for a positive future in a world full of doubt.


Pen vs Sword Online Magazine

Image Rich Articles about Today's Questions and Events that have Shaped Us. Deep Dives into Artists, Wordsmiths, Thinkers and Game Changers. Music Shows From Around The World.
It's Mightier When You Think!


In Our Gift Shop Souled-Out.World

Our designs are rooted in a history of people finding their voice. Make your voice heard with the powerful messages, historical and contemporary images on these clothes and accessories!
Designed With Love - Worn With Pride


Promises Books Digital Bookshop

Our digital bookshelves are created and curated to try to express and encourage educated conversations, provide escapism, make you laugh, make you cry, give you hope, give you options and achieve positive change with amazing books.


A Small Selection From Our Portfolio

We creatively use web design and graphics, poetry and prose, art, photography, music, film and performance to reflect truths and tell stories. All of our platforms are our portfolio, but here are few personal projects.