Promises Books Digital Bookshop
In the PROMISES BOOKS DIGITAL BOOKSHOP, our digital bookshelves are thoughtfully created and curated to inspire and encourage educated conversations. We believe in the power of books to provoke thought, foster understanding, and stimulate meaningful dialogue. Our selection includes a diverse range of titles designed to engage readers on various levels, promoting critical thinking and informed discussions on contemporary issues.
Beyond stimulating conversation, our collection is also curated to provide escapism, joy, and emotional resonance. We offer books that can make you laugh, make you cry, and give you hope. Our aim is to provide a literary escape from the everyday, while also presenting options and perspectives that can lead to positive change. With our carefully selected books, we strive to create a digital bookshop where every reader can find something that resonates with them and contributes to their personal growth and enjoyment.
How it works
Just some of the books we've curated in our bookshop PROMISES BOOKS are on this page, browse, click through and discover nearly 4000 books (so far)! is a B-Corp - a corporation dedicated to the public good and is an online bookshop with a mission to financially support local, independent bookshops. They believe that bookshops are essential to a healthy culture. They are where authors can connect with readers, where we discover new writers, where children get hooked on the thrill of reading that can last a lifetime. They are also anchors for our high streets and communities - owned, staffed, run and full of real people who have a genuine love of books and reading.
We decided to curate this bookshop to spread the words about (or by) our Friends, Heroes and Comrades. ‘' is an amazing idea and we am really pleased to be part of it. At the moment, unfortunately only people in the UK can purchase and receive books from here, Promises Project advocates for books through their affiliate programme, which pays us a 10% commission on every sale, and gives a matching 10% to independent bookshops. Promises Books has over 4000 books listed (so far) and that number is continually growing.
It's an Amazon free option via a B-Corp platform and is a great way to make a difference as you read. Books a generally delivered within 2-3 days and postage is free for orders over £25. Let me know via my anti-socials what you are reading and recommendations we can pass on through these channels.
A few to get you started...
Clicking on 'View All' on the right hand side of the List takes you to fully curated list - Clicking any of the books below takes you to that books page - Anywhere in the bookshop Click on the Promises Books Logo to see All of the Categories and 4000 Books!