Promises / Namir and Saeed
Promises / Namir and Saeed from Loved by Ghosts, an animated documentary exploring some of the key events of the last two decades.
Promises is one of the stories from the film by Promises Project - 'Loved by Ghosts'. Setting the scene for the film, it portrays the beginning, middle and end of the American led invasion of Iraq in 4 minutes and 13 seconds. The motivations for regime change in the region are still being discussed today.
Namir and Saeed (**This is the only story within 'Loved by Ghosts' that I have age restricted). In 2010 footage from a series of attacks by US helicopters during the Iraqi insurgency (which followed the Iraq war), was released by Wikileaks under the title 'Collateral Murder'. It depicted the killing of over a dozen people, including to Reuters staff Namir Noor-Eldeen and Saeed Chmagh.
It is still a highly controversial global discussion regarding the legality and morality of the attacks and the subsequent conversations and treatment of whistleblower Chelsea Manning, Wikileaks and it's founder Julian Assange.
Dedicated to the millions of journeys we can never comprehend.
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