Orphans / Spare Changes from the film Loved by Ghosts, an animated documentary exploring some of the key events of the last two decades.
Orphans with words written and spoken by Stephen Murray as only a true wordsmith can. Stephen is a multi-award winning poet from the West of Ireland. His critically acclaimed debut collection ‘House of Bees' was published in 2011 by Salmon Poetry and chronicles his experiences growing up in the Erin Pizzey’s historic refuge for battered wives in West London and later on a children’s home. His second collection ‘On Corkscrew Hill’ was released this year also by Salmon Poetry. He has performed his work at some of the world’s most iconic poetry venues and has been published in journals across Ireland, Britain and the USA. He is also director of Inspireland bringing creative writing to secondary schools and colleges across Ireland and Britain.
Acknowledging the 'elephant in our room', his words melt perfectly into the sunset of 'Orphans' and sublimely deliver a brutal, yet poignant whisper to a very important moment in the film.
Spare Changes - There are more people on the move than ever before – and there is no reason to believe that this number will fall in the near future. Many of the key drivers of displacement – protracted conflict, failed states, human rights violations, climate change – continue to rage, across the world.
Dedicated to the millions of journeys we can never comprehend.
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