These Illustrations are from my recording and live music collaboration with Pier Bucci - iSKRENNE.
It's another part of an Illustrated story for the album 'Hopetown' and delivered in a comic book style. The colour range was limited to the colours of iSKRENNEs album cover.
'As the music plays, my eyes close and I search... for paradise. As the echos of now get ever fainter, I move through other worlds. searching high... and low finding solace in the night. Looking for peace, looking for love, walking through the corridors of dreams. But where is hope, where is my hopetown? Deep, deep down I already know I know. As the night fades and as I drift onto the plains, the city wakes, floating away from my singular sleep I sail back to self. Unfolding new horizons, the pioneer spirit within unleashed throwing myself against the rocks of the promised land. Not shipwrecked, no gilded guided tour for my soul, for myself, for my sins I awake having soared higher than eagles. My search is over once more. The chill of the new day tempered with the warmth of my new dawn. I am hopetown. I was there all along.'
Artwork and Words Credit: Ian Connolly 2013.
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